Friday, 25 February 2011

Thursday dinner

Thursday dinner, originally uploaded by nataliej.

After a busy day spent doing DIY it was nice to go to Laura's parents'
house for dinner. Especially as the kitchen is a work in progress at
the mo.

Saturday, 19 February 2011


photo.JPG, originally uploaded by nataliej.

Friday, 20 February 2009


I'm home (and so are Scott and Vaughan). I've unpacked, showered, done some washing, been shopping, eaten two massive pan au chocolats (and why not?!) and I'm now clearing some space on the laptop for the photos.  Oh boy, are there some photos....


Weather, originally uploaded by nataliej.

A bit cold and foggy. Haha, and I'm still wearing my shorts and flip-
flops! :D

Back in the UK

Oooh, and the weather looks lovely! Cloud and light drizzle. Niice.

Thursday, 19 February 2009


We're on. In our seats. Plane is FULL.

Goodbye South Africa!

Goodbye South Africa!, originally uploaded by nataliej.

Well, the holiday's almost over. Blimey. I'm pretty sure I'll be back
though. South Africa is an amazing country and one that's surprised me
so much.

Everyone over here is really friendly and they almost always seem to
go about their business with a smile on their face. Even the guy who
waves a red flag for 8 hours a day to warn oncoming traffic about
roadworks, does his job in the most enthusiastic way possible.

It's a great vibe. I'm sad to be leaving if behind, but not that sad
as I will defintely be back x x x

Free stuff

Free stuff, originally uploaded by nataliej.

We're making the most of our free drinks and snacks :D

Premier Lounge

Premier Lounge, originally uploaded by nataliej.

We pre-booked a seat in the Premier Lounge at Cape Town departure
lounge before we left the UK. It's fab. Free drinks and snacks,
Internet, wifi, showers. Very swish.

We had a little bit of fun and games at check-in though. We were SO
over our baggage limit! It was comical. In total we were 8kg over and
Scotty definitely didn't get away with taking his 3ft giraffe on the
plane under his arm! Haha, and my rock sculpture definitely could be
classed as a weapon, so that couldn't go as hand luggage.

But the check in lady was really nice and helped us jiggle things
around to somehow get us under. I have no idea what she did but we
managed it and didn't have to pay by excess. Phew!

Anyway, we're through all the checks and just chilling out. Gonna do
some shopping in a bit. Need to stock up on Amarula :)

View towards cape point

View towards cape point, originally uploaded by nataliej.

From Table Mountain.

Top of the mountain

Top of the mountain, originally uploaded by nataliej.

It's the last day so I wanted to get one last view from that mountain.
After a cloudy start the skies cleared and I got a great view at the
top of Table Mountain.

In a minute we're off to the airport and our adventure will almost be

This time tomorrow I'll be home! Crikey.

Up the mountain, one last time

The skies have cleared, so while Scotty and V enjoy a steak, I'm heading back up the mountain one last time to see that view. Love it.

Posted by ShoZu

Last day

It's the last day. Boo :( We fly at 8pm so we'll be off to the airport later this afternoon.

We're just off for a quick explore around Llandudno before having a late lunch x

Posted by ShoZu

Bye bye mountain

Bye bye mountain, originally uploaded by nataliej.

Gosh, somehow today is our last day. I'm going to miss this mountain :(

Wednesday, 18 February 2009


That water may look tempting, but believe me it's bloody freezing!

Posted by ShoZu